Remember me:
Job scheduling is not trivial. Trust us, we know. Our Job scheduling solution allows you to easily handle requests from your customers and schedule jobs for your employees.

MAP.JOB allows you to use information entered by your employees to generate the proper rosters timesheets and most importantly invoices. The web based system is easy to use and flexible enough to handle various different scheduling requirements.
Log Customer Requests
  • Unobtrusive Windows app integrates with telephone system so that your telephone operators instantly see customer details when the customer is calling
  • Windows app integrates with the MAP.JOB so customer requests are instantly available for scheduling by your operations staff
  • Simple interface so there is minimal chance for error by telephone operators who need to handle the call and insert information
Maintenance of Customers, Employees and Job Categories
  • Customer details entered by telephone operators can be easily changed if needed
  • Manage employee information in easy to use grid system
  • Job categories can be split into sub categories
Job Scheduling
  • View all requests entered by telephone operators
  • For each request you can create a schedule of jobs to be done along with the employees who will be assigned to the jobs
  • Job schedule is flexible allowing you to specify parameters such as: repeating every 2 weeks on monday and friday
  • Provides a breakdown of customer that have jobs ready to invoice
  • Quickly select jobs that you would like to invoice
  • Generate invoice customised with your company logo and details
User Administration
  • Manage users who have access to the system and what they have access to
  • Each user can be given various roles as defined by your company policies
  • Each page in the system can be accessed only by the roles that you specify
  • Flexible reporting system allows us to create reports to your exact specifications
  • Exportation of data into various formats possible